Before Sunrise

Track Notes:
This Nirvana-esque-sounding piece is a Joe DeLucas original, brought to the band perhaps a month before we were going into the recording studio. The lyrics to the song are pretty much the plot line of the Ethan Hawke/Julie Delpy movie of the same name.
Before sunrise, until I leave you
I don’t want to, but I know I should
Before sunrise, your train is is leaving
Then my plane comes to take me away
Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

I know we have less than 24 hours
Let’s the make the best of what we’ve got
I know our time is so limited
But I’ll remember for eternity
Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

(guitar solo)

I’m in love but I fear to tell you
What’s in my heart, what’s in my soul
We have the night, until tomorrow
Morning comes, and I have to go
Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

When we part in early dawn
The whole world stops for just one day
We are set to meet in six months
Will you come, will you come?
Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

Before sunrise
Before sunrise
Before sunrise

Purchase & Download

This track is available to purchase direct from this site. Get a high-quality MP3 recording for your music library now!

Vocals: Bill Hottenstein
Drums: Mike Harrison
Guitar: Jim McCloskey
Bass: Joe DeLucas

Lyrics: DeLucas
Music: DeLucas/Bad Hat